Jakob Alsgaard Bahr
Jakob Alsgaard Bahr has been associated with the Royal Academy of Music Aarhus/Aalborg as a teacher and accompanist since September 2013. Additionally, he has a versatile career as a performing pianist and collaborative musician. He often participates in various chamber music settings and performs with other instrumentalists and singers. As a solo pianist, he is currently engaged in a multi-year project to record the complete works of the Danish composer, Louis Glass.
Watch videos about Jakob’s
teaching activities
Using a digital platform (Moodle) to share materials with students
Can you provide a brief description of a teaching activity you have conducted?
How are digital tools integrated into the teaching activity?
Why do you think it is meaningful to conduct such a teaching activity?
How do you think the students experienced this teaching activity?
What did you find worked particularly well in connection with this teaching activity?
What challenges does the teaching activity present?
What advice would you give to other teachers who want to use this form of teaching activity?
Exam preparation: Feedback and reflection module with practice/performance videos
Can you provide a brief description of a teaching activity you have conducted?
How are digital tools integrated into the teaching activity?
Why do you think it is meaningful to conduct such a teaching activity and what potential does it hold?
How do you think the students experienced this teaching activity?
What challenges do you see in working with this teaching activity?
Video as an accompanist
Can you provide a brief description of a teaching activity you have conducted?
How are digital tools integrated into the teaching activity?
Why do you think it is meaningful to conduct such a teaching activity?
How do you think the students experienced this teaching activity?
What challenges do you see in working with this teaching activity?
Concert preparation: Feedback and reflection process with practice/performance videos
Can you provide a brief description of a teaching activity you have conducted?
How are digital tools integrated into the teaching activity?
Why do you think it is meaningful to conduct such a teaching activity?
How do you think the students experienced this teaching activity?
What challenges do you see in working with this teaching activity?
Other reflections and experiences
What experiences have you had with using a learning platform such as Moodle?
What considerations have you made regarding your feedback to students?
What considerations have you made regarding your role as a teacher?
How can an educational institution support teachers who want to start using similar digital tools?
Are there particular types of students who can benefit from this form of teaching activity?