Casper Brændstrup
Musician and educator with both an academic and hands-on background. I teach at Aalborg School of the arts in a variety of classes, all of them in the rhythmic tradition, with a focus on band playing and creativity. During this Online Learning in Music project my focus has been on electronic assets to assist in the teaching of bands and/or creation.
Watch videos about Casper’s
teaching activities
Use of play-along sheet music in group lessons using
Can you give a brief description of a teaching activity you have conducted?
How are digital tools integrated into the teaching activity?
How do you perceive it as a meaningful activity for the students?
How do you perceive it as a meaningful activity from your perspective as an instructor?
What challenges have you experienced in the teaching activity?
What considerations did you make beforehand regarding the choice of music pieces for the students to work with?
How did the interaction between technologies such as screens in the room, iPads, and similar work?
What tips can you give to others considering using similar digital tools?
What do the students say about this form of teaching activity?
See and hear the note – interactive sheet music for learning complex rhythms
Can you give a brief description of a teaching activity you have conducted?
How are digital tools integrated into the teaching activity?
How do you perceive it as a meaningful activity for the students?
How do you perceive it as a meaningful activity from your perspective as an instructor?
What challenges have you experienced with the teaching activity?
How does the student’s musical level influence the use of interactive sheet music in your teaching activity?
Other reflections and experiences
What overall experiences have you had with the use of digital tools in your teaching activities?
What overall considerations do you have regarding the use of digital tools in music teaching?