Ida Hovde
Ida Hovde. Born in 1978. She graduated from the Royal Academy of Music Aarhus/Aalborg in 2006 with classical bass trombone as her main subject and euphonium as an elective. Trained as a teacher in 2018 with Danish and music as her main subjects. Ida teaches music, wind instruments, and choir at Sct. Mariæ School, Aalborg, and is the classical talent coordinator at Aalborg School of the arts, which houses approximately 60 talented students aged 9 to 19. She teaches trombone, theory/ear training, and chamber music, and performs professionally in various contexts.

Watch videos about Ida’s
teaching activities
Ensemble and rehearsal exercise: Practice your own part with others’ recordings
Can you give a brief description of a teaching activity you have conducted?
How are digital tools integrated into the teaching activity?
How do you perceive it as a meaningful activity for the students?
Exchange of practice videos and feedback between two groups
Can you give a brief description of a teaching activity you have conducted?
How are digital tools integrated into the teaching activity?
How do you perceive it as a meaningful activity for the students and yourself as a teacher?
Joint review of practice recordings
Can you give a brief description of a teaching activity you have conducted?
How do you perceive it as a meaningful activity for the students and yourself as a teacher?
What reflections have you made regarding giving students more responsibility and letting them manage the recordings of their joint practice?
Use of the Acapella app for ensemble and rehearsal
Can you give a brief description of a teaching activity you have conducted?
How are digital tools integrated into the teaching activity?
How do you perceive it as a meaningful activity for the students and yourself as a teacher?
What challenges have you experienced in the teaching activity?
Other reflections and experiences
What do the students say about these kinds of teaching activities?
What challenges have you experienced with these kinds of teaching activities?
What tips can you give to others considering using similar digital tools?
What reflections have you made regarding collaboration with parents when teaching students under 18 years old?